Scabbards are an important part of your kit both for safety and convenience of transport. Historically, the scabbard could be very plain and utilitarian or it could be an ostentatious display of wealth and status. Sometimes the value of an historical scabbard could exceed the value of the sword it was intended to house.
I make my scabbards of kiln dried poplar, covered with premium oak tanned leather, then hand dyed to your color preference. A selection of steel and bronze chapes are available to compliment your sword. Leather detailing options are also available to personalize your scabbard.
Some Albion sword models can be fitted without the sword on hand, but for the best fit the sword should be sent to my shop for the fitting and dressing process.
I make these scabbards intentionally a bit loose to leave space in case of wood swelling due to seasonal humidity and temperature changes, since a slightly loose scabbard is preferable to one that is too tight. The extra space also accommodates any small variation in blade geometry that may occur in the blade production process.
A loose scabbard can be adjusted very simply and I am happy to explain how to make the adjustment if you want to do it yourself.