Viking & Anglo-Saxon Scabbards
The swords and scabbards shown here range from the 5th Century to the 11th Century.
Unique art styles associated with these cultures are incorporated into my designs, visible in the metal fittings and the leatherwork.
Berserkr fittings, Jelling embossing
Rain flaps, Urnes Deer embossing, Borre chape
Underlay strap bridge, Celtic Spiral embossing, Anglo-Saxon chape
Rain flaps, Lion Rampant embossing
Borre chape
Wood strap bridge (discontinued), custom embossing
Celtic quad knot embossing, Knight chape
Jelling panel full face embossing, perimeter risers, Borre chape
Urnes Horse embossing, Jelling panel full face embossing, perimeter risers
Wolf Rampant embossing, Rain flaps, X-Banding, Knight chape
Urnes Horse embossing, scabbard fuller, Borre chape

Wood strap bridge (discontinued), Jelling panel full face embossing, Shieldmaiden chape

Celtic Hares embossing, center ridge, Anglo-Saxon chape

Custom family crest embossing, Borre chape

Scabbard fluting, Knight chape

Scabbard fluting
Wood strap bridge (discontinued), Anglo-Saxon chape
Viking Wolf embossing, Borre chape
Bronze strap bridge, custom embossing, Ringerike chape - bronze
Detail of bronze strap bridge with inset hardwood panel
Viking chape styles
Viking embossing styles